By now I’m sure most of you know that one of my biggest turn-on’s is watching my husband fucking other women. Sometimes I like to sit quietly and watch while other times I enjoy masturbating as I cheer them on. I guess it all depends on my mood that particular day. Anyway, it was early afternoon one day this week and I started having this day dream where Jake was fucking the hell out of one of my girlfriends. It was one of those extremely vivid day dreams where everything seems incredibly real.
When I finally snapped out.....of it I could actually feel my pussy juices streaming down my inner thighs and I knew I had to get off. I grabbed my laptop computer and headed to the guest room. I made myself comfortable and started watching a video that was very similar to the fantasy I just had stirring around in my head. Honestly, as much as I enjoy being fucked by other men I actually enjoy seeing my husband fuck other women just as much!
I think deep down inside we’re all voyeurs on one level or another. That being the case I hope you enjoy watching this video of me fucking myself while watching my husband fucking anoth.....TO READ THIS ENTIRE STORY CLICK HERE TO ACCESS MY MEMBERS AREA