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DATE: Thursday, April 27, 2006 (3:16 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: It's A Lovely Thursday

Hi all,

How is everyone? I’ve been busy but that’s not a bad thing.

I’m hoping it doesn’t rain this weekend because I want to go out and play. I guess if it rains I’ll have to play inside – hehe. :) It’s a win-win situation.

Jake and I watched the safety instruction DVD last night that was given to us by the ATV dealership. It was hilarious because it basically told us to wear long sleeve clothing and pants, never let a passenger ride with us and take a safety course. HAHA – I thought the video was going to tell us how to drive the ATV properly! Oh well, at least I’ll wear the proper clothing.

Have a great day and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!

~Kisses, Allie


Great show allie it was a great early birthday present (45th b-day today the 27th).Congrats on the new toys. I'll bet you'll get on that sucker for about 10-15 minutes get the hang of it andfeel the "need for speed". Try not to break anything.:)By the way I heard you say in the chat that people say you look like Julia Roberts. I think you sound a little like Julia Roberts but look much hotter. Just my opinion.


Hi llarry, Oh wow, Happy one-day late birthday!! I hope I get the hang of our new toys fast. Maybe I’ll become a professional ATV rider! HAHA! Actually people say I look like Juliette Lewis. She was in “Natural Born Killers” and “Cape Fear”. I’ve been told I sound like Julia Roberts before too. Thanks for the compliments. I only wish I had Julia’s big perfect smile. :)
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by llarry on Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 5:27 PM MTN

lmao Allie thats so funny you say that about your DVD you watched about the ATV, I just got a new knife set for the kitchen and it came with a VHS tape(who still sends VHS tapes anyway haha) So I busted out the old tape player, popped it in because I thought it was going to show me how to cut certain things me how to wash the knives safely hahahah! God Love the goofballs who make these videos haha! I'm so happy to hear you got a new toy! Thats gonna be lots of fun in the summer:) I have missed you sooo much hunny!!!! I can't take much more of this crazy work schedule, I'm losing my hair haha! Anyhow, things are getting better with that, but its still nuts. Can't wait to see Friday's update! I probably won't get to look at it until Saturday evening sometime though:( Well girlie, have a great rest of the week and if I don't get a chance to chat with you before then, have fun playing with your toy this weekend!!


Hi Valerie, You made me laugh so hard when I read your comment. I’m picturing you waiting for the good informative part of the tape and all you learn is how to wash the knives. hehe. That’s exactly what Jake and I did with the ATV video. Oh well, I guess you’ll have to learn how to cut veggies properly on your own and we’ll have to learn to drive an ATV on our own. I’m sorry you’re still so busy. I hope everything will calm down for you soon. I miss you too! Take care and don’t work so hard!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Valerie on Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 7:46 PM MTN

Great video...I thought you may have forgotten the guys just kept calling him god..LOL That is the most vocal I have heard you in a long time. Congrats on the ATV's, I think you made the right choice! You will have a blast. Now you can shop for accesories. Lots of online places to buy stuff. Look up Dennis Kirk, they have tons of stuff. You will need a trailer and all the gear to go with the quads. If you are ever in the mid-west, let me know and we can go to the riding park. You and Jake have some pics!

Hi Diver Down, Thanks! “God” seems to be the name that I always pick out when I’m being pleased. I guess it’s kinda weird if you think about it. We’re very excited about our ATVs. We have already bought a trailer and every accessory you can think of. I’ll look up Dennis Kirk and maybe I can find some more cool stuff. hehe. Thanks for the info! I’ll let you know if we’re ever out your way! Don’t worry I’ll take lots of pics!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Diver Down on Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 8:24 PM MTN