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DATE: Sunday, May 21, 2006 (3:30 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: I've Been Working The Weekend Away

Hi everyone,

If you’ve been watching my house cams you’ll notice I haven’t left my desk today. I wanted to get some work done this weekend and I keep adding more projects to my to-do list as I go. Now I’ve worked the whole weekend away! This is a lesson for all of you who are considering working from home – Don’t do it because you can never get away from your office. haha!

Have a great day everyone and I will talk to you tomorrow.

~Kisses, Allie


Hi Allie. LOL In answer to your question about me working on my garage actually I figure I got all summer to get it cleaned out and all things arranged so I'm not spending long days there. But you are so right a garage is just like a house when it comes to accumulating alot of things. Haha Allie I do understand what you mean though about working from home. Have a great night Allie and an AWESOME WEEK. Cya tuesday night for sure. *wink*.

Lots Of Naughty Licks & Spanks, Bob

Hi Hammer, If you don’t have your garage completely clean by the end of the summer I’m going to you a hard time. haha! I will be looking for you tomorrow night!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Bob aka Hammer25 on Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 7:20 PM MTN

Hi Sweetheart,
You are right working at home can be tedious with very long hours but the fntastic content of your web site proves it`s worth every minute. Your web site is the best on the internet by far, no one else comes close. I can see it is definatly a labor of LOVE, and you are a LOVE GODDESS.You are a amazing and fantastic woman,keep up the good work,you not only please me but many many more people than you realise.
Your Faithful and Forever Admirer, Allie Lover

Hi Allie Lover, I wish all my work was just on my website but it’s usually for my “real” job. Thanks for the compliments on my site! That really means a lot to me. I do love working on my site. It’s so much fun and working on my site makes it even more rewarding when others enjoy it as well. :)
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Allie Lover on Monday, May 22, 2006 at 4:09 AM MTN

hi allie did check home cam a couple of times this weekend and was amazed to see you busy as a bee at your desk though the weather must have been bad over there but it shows us how hard you work and for your site which is a privelage to be a member of.

Hi Marti, I was busy this weekend but it wasn’t all work on my site. We had beautiful weather but Jake and I both had so much work to do we had to stay in. *boohoo* Awwww, thanks for the kind words. :)
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by marti on Monday, May 22, 2006 at 8:50 AM MTN