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DATE: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 (5:03 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: Cam Show Notice!

Hi guys,

I had to cancel my 9PM Eastern Time show tonight. I had to reschedule a meeting for this evening because we’re expecting another snowstorm tomorrow and I wouldn’t have been able to make it otherwise. I’m sorry to have to do this but it sounds like we will be getting more than a foot of snow again – blah! I like the snow but when it interferes with my plans it’s not fun.

Have a great day! I’m off to my meeting. I’ll answer the journal comments from yesterday when I get home later tonight.

~Kisses, Allie


Allie! Damn, I was gonna come and say hi during your show 'cause it's been awhile! Ah well, hey... send me some of that snow would ya? We haven't been getting hardly any around here I miss it!! Did you hear about the guy who bought some snow off of Ebay? Paid $200!!! Give you any ideas?? :) Group Hugs Allie!

Hey Stranger! I’m sorry we missed each other. :( I have plenty of snow to give away if you want it! Are you kidding me? $200 for snow? I’ve gotta go! I have some snow to sell! haha!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Caesar on Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 1:27 AM MTN

hi allie hope your well rejoined the site had some problems before but glad to be back,hope you dont get to much snow

Hi Marti, Welcome back! I don’t think this storm is going to be as bad as the last two storms but I don’t think the weather forecasters are so sure. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. It started snowing earlier today and it’s not supposed to stop until Monday – eeekkkk!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by marti on Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 5:31 PM MTN