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DATE: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 (4:14 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: The Holiday Season!

Hi guys!

I hope your Christmas holiday was full of good food and family. We had a great one and it’s continuing through the New Year! If you’ve noticed on my webcam I’ve been working a lot. For me it’s tax season so I’m trying to get a ton of stuff done so I can enjoy my holiday. I’m so burnt out but that’s life. :) So don’t email and ask if I’m mad. I’m not mad I’m just doing my real job and well how many of you are smiling while you work? lol.

I can’t believe the Broncos game last night. OMG, they will be the death of me. Too much stress for something that’s supposed to be fun to watch. I was so confident at the beginning of the football season but now I’m like “wtf”? haha. Whatever happens, happens. At least it isn’t dull.

I’ve got to get back to work so I’ll talk to ya soon!

~Kisses, Allie