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DATE: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 (12:29 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: Happy Hump Day!

Hi guys,

Wow, today has flown by! I feel like I’ve gotten nothing done. I need a Big Gulp of wine. haha. Okay, that’s sad, I didn’t say that. :)

Here’s a pic of me having an amazing day at my desk. I made it black and white to share the mood. lol. I’m laughing because I don’t want you guys to feel sad for me. I thought it was funny. I guess we all have days like that. Members Only Photo

Thanks to everyone that came to my live cam chat last night! I had so much fun. You guys are the best. I should probably do a chat every night and I would always end my day on a high note!

I’m off to find dinner. Have a great night and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!

~Kisses, Allie